Save time and money, take online lessons!

Learn with the best available teachers, without being limited to local offer.

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How do online lessons work?

If you never tried online lessons, you might have concerns trying it. No worries! You can apply for a trial lesson, and we try to explain you as good as possible what you can expect!

Video chat

You can use any software of your choice. We mostly use Skype or Zoom, but you can request any software you want.


During your lessons, you use screenshare and your teacher can show you in much greater detail learning materials and information than during traditional lessons.

Document sharing

All your lesson documents are instantly available. You stay organized and find your documents back in your lesson folder.

Interactive tools

You will use tools for document sharing, interactive writing, online exercises, whiteboards and more! This provides a better learning experience than traditional teaching.

Instant feedback

You will get better and faster feedback on what to improve. Written text, pronunciation, techniques, documents,...

Lesson recording

Record your lessons and watch them again if you forgot something, or if you want to repeat a topic.

Online lessons: your best choice

Learn whenever and wherever you want.


Based on 64 reviews

Online lessons checklist

You need only the following 4 elements to join for online lessons:

Stable internet connection


